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How do I keep the cavity clean after my wisdom tooth is extracted?

  • palak
  • 22/12/2021

Generally, the wound is small after extraction, bite the cotton ball to stop the bleeding, and throw it away after half an hour. The blood clot will quickly clot and the cavity will be sealed. You don’t need to touch it for the first 2 hours, and the alveolar socket will not be infected. Yes, you can brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after 24 hours. You can use kin Gillan mouthwash containing chlorhexidine to inhibit bacteria. Food residues enter the hole for about 4 days. Rinse your mouth harder and wash the cavity twice.

What should I do if my wisdom tooth has a large wound after extraction?

  1. A few stitches will be sewn, not too tight, so that the residue can’t get in, the bacteria can’t be infected. Consider the gut thread, which will be absorbed by the gums. Like other threads, it may be removed after a week, and the inflammation will basically disappear by then. , But the hole is still there, and some dirty things are too deep to get out, so you have to swish hard to increase the pressure in the hole and remove it.
  2. Two months after the hole has recovered, bone tissue will grow up, and connective tissue will also grow. The hole will gradually become shallower. At this time, the difficulty of cleaning up is much reduced. There is no need to worry about the residue growing out of it. Normal alveolar sockets are caused by It grows from the inside to the outside, instead of a piece of meat on both sides of the hole, it will grow flat in about 3 months, and it is impossible to see that the tooth has been extracted.

What happens if the cavity is not cleaned properly?

  1. Food residues can cause bacteria to grow and infect the alveolar socket. After a few days of extraction, the wound has not improved, but the pain has become worse, and it radiates to the head and ears and temples, and even eats artificial bezoar metronidazole, and Ibuprofen has only a short-term relief, and the cavity of the tooth is decayed and whitish. I often feel that the alveolar socket is very empty. In fact, it is dry socket.
  2. In particular, the trauma is larger, the amount of bleeding will increase, and the infection will be more prone. This kind of debridement should be treated in time, repeated washing with a certain concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution, and then supplemented with iodoform gauze to promote the growth of granulation tissue and isolate External stimulation of the alveolar socket.

24 hours after the wisdom tooth is extracted, you can brush your teeth and rinse your mouth normally. Pay attention that you don’t need to insert or implant the teeth after the cavity is flat.

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